The amount of time you will require to recover following your surgery is dependant upon what type of procedure you have undergone. In your consultations prior to booking, an estimated recovery time will be discussed with you and what limitations you will have following the procedure. As a general rule the following apply –

Minor office skin procedures

  • Following the procedure, you are advised to rest as much as possible for the remainder of the day.
  • Be careful of the anaesthetised area. Do not knock, squash or rest against hard or sharp surfaces for long periods of time.
  • After the effects of the local anaesthetic wear off, you may experience some pain at the site of your operation. You should take Panadol or Panadeine as the anaesthetic is wearing off, before it becomes too painful.
  • If Panadol or Panadeine does not provide adequate relief, please notify us.
  • Leave all dressings clean, dry and intact until your next visit.
  • If your dressings get wet or blood soaked (slight bleeding at your wound site is not uncommon), please contact us to arrange a time to have your dressings changed.
  • Avoid any strenuous activities until your next appointment.
  • For facial procedures, avoid bending down as this adds pressure to the area and may promote bleeding from the wound.
  • If you have any questions regarding your recovery, or during the time prior to you post operative appointment, please contact the Brighton rooms of Mr Coombs on 03 9591 0714.
  • During your post operative appointment in our rooms, your dressings will be changed and pathology results discussed.

Day Surgery skin procedures

  • The area treated will be covered with a small dressing, and where possible a waterproof covering to enable you to shower.  On the face skin coloured tape will be used and you must keep this dry for 7 days.
  •  Following the procedure, you are advised to rest as much as possible for the remainder of the day.
  • Be careful of the anaesthetised area. Do not knock, squash or rest against hard or sharp surfaces for long periods of time.
  • After the effects of the local anaesthetic wear off, you may experience some pain at the site of your operation. You should take Panadol or Panadeine as the anaesthetic is wearing off to maintain good pain control.  If these do not provide adequate relief, please notify us.
  • If your dressings get wet or blood soaked (slight bleeding at your wound site is not uncommon), please contact us to arrange a time to have your dressings changed.
  • Avoid any strenuous activities until your next appointment.
  • For facial procedures, avoid bending down as this adds pressure to the area and may promote bleeding from the wound.
  • During your post operative appointment in our rooms, your dressings will be changed and pathology results discussed. Sutures on the face will be removed after 7 days, on the body they will be removed between 10 and 14 days.
  • If the suture line is dry it will be left open and the area should be massaged and moisturised to help the scar mature well.  Initially it will be pink but will fade in 3- 6 months.
  • You should have been given a post operative appointment Please contact the Brighton rooms of Professor Coombs on 03 9591 0714 if you have any concerns.

Day Surgery hand procedures

  • You will return from theatre with a bandage, plaster back slab or a fibreglass cast.  These remain intact, keep them dry and clean until your next visit with Mr Coombs.
  • Swelling is normal post operatively. Ensure the limb is elevated in a sling or on pillows until pain and swelling are gone and there is no throbbing when your hand/foot is dependant. This minimises swelling of the operative area and assists in the healing.  Keep the area elevated on pillows at night.
  • Observe your fingers/toes for colour, ensuring they are pink and warm to touch. Sensations vary from person to person and you may experience tingling, numbness, small electric like shocks, all being perfectly normal in the healing period.  Any unrelieved, constant pain or excessive ooze from the dressing area means you should contact us.
  • When bathing or showering,  keep your bandages dry by covering the dressings with a plastic bag, securing the ends with tape.
  • Any sutures will be removed in 10-14 days and the wound redressed if needed.
  • Movement will be dependent on the extent of the dressing, where Professor Coombs wants to keep limbs immobilised he will splint or cast accordingly.
  •  You may also need to see the Hand therapist who will make any splints required. The Therapist in the rooms will set an exercise program for you and oversee your progress in conjunction with Mr. Coombs.
  • Take any medications prescribed for you as directed by your doctor. Take Panadol or Panadeine for pain, if these do not provide adequate relief, please notify us. Elevation and rest will also assist with reducing pain.
  • You should have been provided with a Post Operative appointment. Please ring the Brighton rooms of Professor Coombs on 03 9591 0714 if you have any concerns.

Inpatient procedures

In the first 24 hours following your procedure, you must NOT

  • Drive a car
  • Take control of machinery or hazardous appliances
  • Sign important or legal documents
  • Consume alcohol
  • Engage in any sporting or strenuous activities or do any heavy lifting

NAUSEA/VOMITING : Less common with modern Anaesthesia. If it does occur, it is usually of short duration. If nausea persists, maintain fluids and avoid heavy foods. If vomiting persists, contact the hospital.

DISCOMFORT/BRUISING AT THE INJECTION SITE : May occur due to irritation of the vein from the needle or drugs injected. This may persist for several days.

MUSCLE PAINS : May be experienced up to 48 hours following your anaesthetic. They are brought about by one of the anaesthetic drugs and can be minimised by rest and if necessary, and mild pain relieving drugs like Panadol.

SORE THROAT : May occur and is usually of short duration. It should settle within 24 hours.

DISTURBED ABILITY TO CONCENTRATE : This should settle within 24-48 hours. This phenomenon is of no consequence and should pass without any lasting effect. Children are sometimes irritable for a short time following a General Anaesthetic.

Any ongoing disturbances should be reported to us in the rooms.  Please feel free at any time to contact us on 03 95910714.

You will be seen following your surgery back at Southern Plastic Surgery by Professor Coombs or his perioperative nurses. You will be instructed in the dos and don’ts following surgery to maximize you outcome. Most patients following hand surgery will require postoperative hand therapy which will be at the Southern Plastic Surgery Office.

Post procedure care information –

Follow the following links for further information regarding postoperative care

Cosmetic Procedures –

Reconstructive Procedures –